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  • µî·ÏÀÏ 2018-07-05 19:06
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"Because the change will happen from within, and this IS the change." 
The citizens of S. Korea will come together as one voice to urge the banning of the slaughter of dogs and cats on Sunday, July 15, 2018, just outside the Gwangwhamun Plaza Cultural Center, in Seoul, S. Korea. 
All those who are against the illegal slaughter of dogs and cats for consumption in Korea are urged to attend this major event and to march together to the Blue House to deliver our collection of signatures on our petition.  
There is no dress code requirement, and signs will be provided. 
Please share this event as much as possible.  
Thank you. 
À̺¥Æ® ÆäÀÌÁö/Event page:
#SKorea #DogMeat #DogMeatTrade 
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