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1,490.04 1,519.39 1,460.69 1,504.94 1,475.14
190.15 199.65 180.65 192.05 188.25

[App Store] Attendance (For Students) ($0 / ¹«·á)2





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Attendance is the only app that you will ever need to manage your school/college attendance and to keep up with it.
Features at a Glance:
- Organise your weekly schedule (time-table).
- Easily mark your attendance with "Today" tab where sessions are shown according to your schedule.
- Specify custom attendance limits for each subject.
- View overall attendance record and subject-wise attendance record in percentage and in more details like no. of sessions attended and no. of sessions conducted.
- Get smart suggestions on how many upcoming sessions to attend to keep up with your attendance limits for each subject.
- Get automatic reminders on sessions for specific subject according to your schedule and more.
- Get weekly attendance report with graphs representing multiple days for each subject.
- Visit history date-wise to view which sessions you attended or missed in a specific day.
Features, elaborated:
1. Setup your schedule (time-table) once, and you'll see your sessions according to that everyday on the "Today" tab to mark your attendance easily. Just swipe right to mark the session as "Present", left as "Absent" or partially swipe left and select "Class Canceled", if that's the choice. Else, just tap on a session and then select any of the three options.
2. Get notification everyday which reminds you to register your attendance record. You can even set a custom time for when you want to receive it.
3. Get overall attendance records and subject-wise attendance records as you mark your attendance daily. You'll see each & every detail, such as, percentage of your attendance, total sessions attended, total sessions conducted, etc.
4. Get smart suggestions to attend upcoming sessions. For example, if the attendance in a subject is low, then it will show the suggestion on how many sessions you need to attend to reach the minimum limit, or if it's high then it will show that for how many sessions it will be okay if you miss.
5. If you often miss sessions of a particular subject, you can set reminders for particular subject. Attendance will look up in your schedule and will remind you a day before.
6. Attendance will notify you to view your weekly attendance report every weekends. Just tap on the notification and you'll see various graphs representing attendance record for each day of your last week. Graphs for overall attendance and subject-wise attendance records are shown.
7. If you miss to mark attendance for some day, you can do it the next day by selecting "Yesterday" from the "Today" tab. This gives you a quick access to yesterday's schedule without looking up manually.
8. Your attendance is saved date-wise, hence tapping on "History" and then entering the date will show the schedule of that particular day along with what you've marked. You can even edit your attendance right from there, if needed.
9. If your academic year started months ago and right now you're at the middle of the academic year, you can initialise attendance record for each subject with number of attended sessions and total number of conducted sessions if you already have those data. This will help you manage your attendance record not from "zero" but from the value you provide.
10. Attendance comes with two gorgeous UI design options:
- The default mode, which has a beautiful, bright and colourful design.
- The Dark Mode, which has an elegant colour combinations of deep blacks and dark colours to match. Collapse
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