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Rosé's latest hit song stays at No. 5 on Billboard Hot 100
아주경제 기사제공: 2025-01-15 18:15:24
Rosé’ from BLACKPINK poses for camera The Black Label Agency
Courtesy of the Black Label Agency
SEOUL, January 15 (AJP) - "APT." sung by Rosé, a member of South Korean girl band BLACKPINK, has remained at No. 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 for two consecutive weeks, making it the highest-ranked song on the American chart by any K-pop female artist.
The collaborative song with American pop star Bruno Mars made its entry into the top 10 of the U.S. Hot 100 at No. 8 at the time of its release in October last year and has since stayed on the chart, slightly moving up and down.
The previous day, the song also ranked second on the U.K.'s Official Singles Chart for two consecutive weeks, while remaining on the chart for 12 weeks in a row.
The song's music video has also accumulated 500 million views on YouTube so far, setting a new record for the fastest time to reach the milestone among K-pop artists.
"APT." is part of her album "Rosie" that contains 12 tracks.
Evelyn Nam Reporter evelyneyahh@ajunews.com

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