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Court rules to ban NewJeans' independent activities amid dispute with agency

Members of K-pop girl group NJZ formerly known as NewJeans speak to reporters at the Seoul Central District Court in the capital on March 7 2025 Yonhap
Members of K-pop girl group NJZ, formerly known as NewJeans, speak to reporters at the Seoul Central District Court in the capital on March 7, 2025. Yonhap
SEOUL, March 21 (AJP) - A court on Friday ruled in favor of K-pop girl group NewJeans' agency, banning them from engaging in independent activities.
The ruling by the Seoul Central District Court came about two months after ADOR filed a lawsuit against the group’s five members, insisting that the contract remains valid and cannot be unilaterally terminated.
Last month, NewJeans changed their name to NJZ and began their own independent activities, such as ad endorsement deals, TV appearances, and more.
The move was made shortly after they abruptly announced the termination of their contract with ADOR, under entertainment behemoth HYBE, in November last year, citing a breach of obligations and negligence.
It also came on the heels of Vietnamese-Australian member Hannie revealing an incident of being ostracized at the agency, as well as the forced ouster of their producer Min Hee-jin, from her position as CEO of ADOR.

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